Major Road Repair Activity In October
We shall complete our eight-year cycle of road repair this October. Last year we replaced deeply damaged portions of our road with a full-depth repair of six different locations covering 437 square feet. In October this year we shall fill cracks in the road and protect the road surface with an HA-5 coating material.
The crack repair portion is scheduled for Friday, October 18th, and the HA5 portion is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th.
The crack repair work does not require full-road closures, so the residents of the community can drive on the roads around the crew. We just ask the residents to be cautious while doing so. They will only have to wait for a few minutes after the product is applied to the asphalt to drive on it.
During the HA5 portion there will be a 24-hour road closure starting at 7AM on October 30th, and the road will not be available for any travel whatsoever. If you need to use your vehicle during the 24-hour period of the road closure, park it in the roadway easement between Desert Sky Road and the Sunstone perimeter wall. We are going to try to engage a private security company to watch over the vehicles from the evening of October 29th through the morning of October 31st..
Do not schedule any tradesmen, contractors, or services for October 30th. They will not be able to enter our road.
Also, wet surfaces cannot be paved. If you have an irrigation/sprinkler system that could possibly wet the road surface, it must be turned off 24 hours before, during and 24 hours after completion of the coating to prevent damage to the surface treatment.